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Active Isolated Stretching for the Lumbar Spine , Hips and Knees

Active Isolated Stretching for the Lumbar Spine , Hips and Knees

16 hours (NCBTMB, BOC, and Florida Board of Massage)
Early registration ends April 12, 2014 cost after $350

Learn a whole-body dynamic technique for stretching muscles and fascia along fascial lines and specific to joint movement. Based on the principles of Active Isolated Stretching developed by Aaron Mattes, this stretching system restores greater joint mobility, reduces muscular and fascial tension, corrects aberrant neurological firing and dramatically increases blood and lymph circulation for faster healing from injury. Aaron’s discovery of the time sensitivity of the spindle cells makes this approach unique for stretching muscle and fascia. Each stretch is held for about 2 seconds to avoid triggering a myotactic stretch reflex. Repeated, active muscle contractions return restorative blood and lymphatic flow to the body decreasing inflammation and combating disease.
Leave class with the knowledge on how to stretch yourself and assist your clients. This class covers every stretch you need in order to treat a wide variety of disorders in the lumbar spine, hips and knees. The material presented addresses sciatica, groin impingement, S/I dysfunction, ITB syndrome, and other lower body disorders. The topics of stability and the myofascial meridians of Anatomy Trains® will also be covered.
This class is designed to be an adjunct to the MLT class precedes it on Friday.

Joshua graduated Seattle Massage School in 1994 and immediately began working in rehabilitation. In 2003 Joshua began working with Aaron Mattes, developer of Active Isolated Stretching, accumulating over 2400 hours working with Aaron. Joshua has been an international educator to professionals for over 10 years. His teaching experience; combined with his devotion to and expertise with AIS places him among Aaron’s top therapists.
Recently, 2009, Joshua began mentorship with Arik Gohl, creator of Manual Ligament Therapy. He has pursued his education in this new technique to Master’s level. He and Arik now co-teach AIS and MLT classes around the country.


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Date and Time DATE & TIME
April 26-27, 2014
Joshua Morton
Tuition PRICE
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